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Full Circle

Hello and welcome to the last The Local Medias post fully dedicated to Circle Coffee Co. Today there is no specific topic but more of just breaking down the things I have observed from Circle Coffee and its social media marketing. I hope you guys enjoy it, and there is a special surprise at the end.

(Click here for the Circle Coffee Co. Instagram)

    So I have learned a lot about the ways of social media marketing during my time observing Circle Coffee Co. As everyone knows, social media is a very vital tool in the world of marketing and advertising nowadays, especially Circle. Circle does so much on its social media, from promoting its new menu items to making its mission statement public. One thing I have taken away from my observations has been the importance of supporting your community and customers.

    Circle Coffee is always doing whatever it can for its customers. From reposting the customer's stories to having local people from the community make the store some art to hang up. I have seen the significance of putting the community first. I've always known that from my years of working in customer service but I have come to realize it is just as important in the world of marketing. It shows that your business is always thinking of the best ways to serve you and that will in turn draw you back to the store. David Vincent shared with me how Circle viewed Circle Coffees' social media, "Our approach with our social media was to make our customers the hero," Circle aims to puts its customers, people like Brynn Poage (below), above itself.

    Circle Coffee has done so well in the ways of using its social media that it has made them become more well known not just throughout Topeka but Kansas and our neighboring states. 

    I thank you all so much for reading The Local Medias. It has been such a blast covering Circle Coffee and I cannot way to branch out to other local businesses in the near future. Before I end this final post dedicated to Circle Coffee, I thought I would share something I mentioned earlier in the post. Rebekah McIntosh and I had the privilege of interviewing David Vincent for a podcast. I highly suggest you check it out! It can be found on this post or over on Rebekah's blog, extraspecialneedspeople. Once again thank you all and go get yourself some coffee.

(Click here for Podcast)


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New to the Neighborhood

Hello everyone and welcome to “The Local Medias”! A blog discussing the ins and outs of the social media posts of a local coffee shop and how they advertise themselves using said social media in a unique way. Social media has become a very popular tool used to promote a company or business. Local businesses always seem to have a different vibe and more personalized feeling. Especially when it comes to how they advertise themselves. Here, I will be discussing and analyzing one of my favorite local coffee shops in Topeka Kansas, Circle Coffee Co. Circle Coffee has also been very prominent on its Facebook and Instagram accounts. They post new menu items, updates, and share posts from customers who visit.  Advertisements of businesses, specifically local companies, always intrigue me and catch my attention. This blog has two main goals. One is to spread awareness of local businesses and their personalized social media. Local companies like Circle Coffee deserve to be seen and appreciat...