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Stating the Mission

What is up everyone, welcome back to The Local Medias! This is the sixth post of this blog. There will be only 4 more posts dedicated entirely to Circle Coffee Co. Today I will be discussing Circle Coffee's post stating its mission statement.

(Click here for post)

    Within 7 photos, Circle shared with its community the things it stands for and strives to do as a business in Topeka. Here is what Circle said:

"Our Mission is to bring excellence to our community through kindness and creativity. We believe Topeka is a place worth investing in. Hospitality matters. People deserve care and attention. Excellent products are worth the time and sacrifice. It's all worth it."

    This is a very powerful mission statement. Circle really showed that its whole mission revolves around its community and the people they get to serve.  I think that it is a super smart tactic for Circle to post its mission statement on its social media. It is such a simple thing that honestly goes further than just putting it on a website or somewhere people won't see it. This is also something you don't see big companies doing too often. Circle doing this proves its statement true. Circle is showing its community that it does care by showing the world what Circle Coffee stands for. 

    Now while the photos Circle uses in the post are really good, I wanna focus on the first and seventh photos. 

    Circle did a really cool thing with this post. Parallelling these last two photos is a super creative thing. It is cool to see where Circle is now and where it started at. Doing this on such an important post is pretty dope.

    Well, that will do it for today's post! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'll see you next time for a two-part post! As always, thank you, and go get some nice coffee.


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New to the Neighborhood

Hello everyone and welcome to “The Local Medias”! A blog discussing the ins and outs of the social media posts of a local coffee shop and how they advertise themselves using said social media in a unique way. Social media has become a very popular tool used to promote a company or business. Local businesses always seem to have a different vibe and more personalized feeling. Especially when it comes to how they advertise themselves. Here, I will be discussing and analyzing one of my favorite local coffee shops in Topeka Kansas, Circle Coffee Co. Circle Coffee has also been very prominent on its Facebook and Instagram accounts. They post new menu items, updates, and share posts from customers who visit.  Advertisements of businesses, specifically local companies, always intrigue me and catch my attention. This blog has two main goals. One is to spread awareness of local businesses and their personalized social media. Local companies like Circle Coffee deserve to be seen and appreciat...