Hello and welcome to the last The Local Medias post fully dedicated to Circle Coffee Co. Today there is no specific topic but more of just breaking down the things I have observed from Circle Coffee and its social media marketing. I hope you guys enjoy it, and there is a special surprise at the end. (Click here for the Circle Coffee Co. Instagram) https://www.instagram.com/circlecoffeeco/ So I have learned a lot about the ways of social media marketing during my time observing Circle Coffee Co. As everyone knows, social media is a very vital tool in the world of marketing and advertising nowadays, especially Circle. Circle does so much on its social media, from promoting its new menu items to making its mission statement public. One thing I have taken away from my observations has been the importance of supporting your community and customers. Circle Coffee is always doing whatever it can for its customers. From reposting the customer's stories to having loca...
Do you love shopping at local stores, more specifically local coffee shops? Well, then you will love this blog. The Local Medias will discuss different local coffee shops I visit. I'll talk about things such as the store itself, the company's missions/goals, the company's social media, and anything else I love or find interesting about the business.